Dr. Vet. Paoletti
Spécialiste européen en médecine zoologique

Dr. Vet. Paoletti

Spécialiste européen en médecine zoologique
Dr. Vet. Paoletti


  • Médecine zoologique

Dr. Vet. Carlo Paoletti officie au CHV ADVETIA à Vélizy-Villacoublay en tant que vétérinaire spécialiste européen en médecine zoologique. Ses principaux domaines de compétences sont la chirurgie, l'ophtalmologie, la médecine et la chirurgie des petits mammifères, oiseaux, reptiles, amphibiens et poissons.

Dr. Vet. Paoletti est :

  • Lauréat de la Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire de Milan en Italie en 2005 et
  • diplômé de l'ECZM® (European College of Zoological Medicine) en 2024, qui lui confère le titre de spécialiste européen en médecine zoologique.

Dr. Vet. Carlo Paoletti a rejoint le CHV ADVETIA en 2019.

  1. Vetere, A., Della Camera, N., Cococcetta, C., Paoletti C., Dondi, M., & Biaggi, F. (2024). Case report: Evaluation of head trauma in a tawny owl (Strix aluco) with advanced imaging diagnostics, FVEP, and BAER test. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 11, Article 1439432.
  2. Paoletti C., Rosas-Navarro J., Nicolier A., Cusaro S., Guillon L., Ferreira X., Quinton J.F. (2023). Spontaneous splenic hemangiosarcoma in pet guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus): five cases (2007–2021). In Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine (Vol. 44, pp. 36–41). Elsevier BV.
  3. Paoletti C., Rosas-Navarro J., Godart P., Quinton J.F. (2023). Mycobacterium genavense splenitis in a pet rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) presented for fracture. Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society, 74(1), 5477–5484.
  4. Rosas-Navarro J., Gaillot H., Agoulon A., Ferri C., Ruel Y., Paoletti C., Quinton J.F., Curros-Moreno Á., Gouni V. (2023). Epidemiological, clinical, radiographic, echocardiographic findings and outcome in client-owned guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) with cardiac disease: 80 cases (2010-2021). Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 1–9. Advance online publication.
  5. Rosas-Navarro J., Paoletti C., Quinton J.F., Rossetti D. (2022). Stabilization of a vertebral fracture by a monolateral external fixator placed percutaneously with fluoroscopy guidance in a rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 260(12), 1–5.
  6. Ancillotto L., Vignoli L., Martino J., Paoletti C., Romano A., Bruni G. (2022). Sexual dichromatism and throat display in spectacled salamanders: a role in visual communication? Journal of Zoology.
  7. Caffara M., Bruni G., Paoletti C., Gustinelli A., Fioravanti M.L. (2014). Metacercariae of Clinostomum complanatum (Trematoda: Digenea) in European newts Triturus carnifex and Lissotriton vulgaris (Caudata: Salamandridae). Journal of helminthology, 88(3), 278–285.
  8. Romano A., Bruni G., Paoletti C. (2009). Sexual dimorphism in the Italian endemic species Salamandrina perspicillata (Savi, 1821) and testing of a field method for sexing salamanders. In Amphibia-Reptilia (Vol. 30, Issue 3, pp. 425–434). Brill.


  1. “Melanomas in rabbit” Webinar for Italy and France on Wizzvet.com. November 27, 2024
  2. “Management of thymoma in rabbits” Webinar fo Italy on Wizzvet.com. October 17, 2024
  3. “Internal parasitism in chickens” Webinar for the French Association of Veterinarians for Companion Animals. September 25, 2024
  4. “Cryptorchidism and testicular neoplasia: a risk factors for testicular torsion in rabbits?”. ICare International Congress, Mai 23, 2024 Ghent -Belgium-
  5. "Spontaneous hemangiosarcoma in Guinea pigs: an investigation of incidence, clinical features, and treatment outcome.  XIV Yaboumba World Congress, 29-30 September 2023,  Paris-France-"
  6. “Uncommon mycobacterial splenitis due to Mycobacterium genavense in a pet rabbit presented with spontaneous fracture”. XIV Yaboumba World Congress 2023, Paris-France-
  7. “Melanoma in four pet rabbits”  ICare International Congress 2022, Budapest -Hungary-
  8. “Urinary diseases in rabbits” masterclass. National Congress of the Italian Association of Veterinarians for Exotics (SIVAE). October 17, 2021. Cremona - Italy -
  9. “Amphibian medicine in captivity” Webinar for the Italian Association of Veterinarians for Exotics (SIVAE). May 1, 2021
  10. “Ophthalmology in exotics” Webinar for the Italian Association of Veterinarians for Exotics (SIVAE). March 31, 2021
  11. “Respiratory diseases in rabbits” national congress of the Italian Association of Veterinarians for Exotics (SIVAE), March 4-5, 2012. Cremona - Italy
  12. “Aquaristics for beginners: basic principles, diseases, zoonoses. Essential minimum requirements for animal welfare and public health”; “Breeding amphibians, the most relevant species and their needs. Specific and zoonotic diseases.” Continuing education for public health veterinarians promoted by the Italian Ministry of Health. October 11-13, 2010. Vicenza - Italy
  13. “Problem-oriented approach (POA) in exotics”; “Diseases of reptiles and amphibians.” National congress of the Italian Association of Veterinarians for Exotics (SIVAE). March 28-29, 2009. Cremona - Italy
  14. “Endocrinology and endocrine diseases of reptiles and amphibians.” National congress of the Italian Association of Veterinarians for Exotics (SIVAE). March 1-2, 2008. Cremona - Italy.
  15. “Respiratory diseases in small mammals”; “Respiratory diseases in amphibians.” National congress of the Italian Association of Veterinarians for Exotics (SIVAE). March 17-18, 2007. Cremona - Italy.
  16. “Introduction to medicine and surgery of small mammals.” National congress of the Italian Association of Veterinarians for Exotics (SIVAE). April 23, 2006. Cremona - Italy.


  1. 2023, ExoticsCon 2023, Boston-USA- “2012-2023: What has been “discovered”?” Study review on hematology and serum protein in Trachemys ssp.
  2. 2013, ICARE/ARAV, Wiesbaden -Germany- : « Hermann’s tortoise intestinal prolapse: a new surgical approach”
  3. 2012, International Conference on Reptile and Amphibian Medicine- American Reptiles and Amphibians Veterinarian (ARAV), Arbeitsgemeinschaft Amphibien und Reptilienkrankheiten (AGARK), Italian Society of Exotic Animals Veterinarians (SIVAE), Cremona -Italy- “Preliminary study for the evaluation of hematological, blood chemistry and serum protein electrophoresis parameters in 101 specimens of Trachemys scripta ssp.”
  4. 2012, 10th Congress of the Italian Society for Animal Reproduction (S.I.R.A.), 1st Balkan Conference on Biology and Reproduction in Farm Animals and in Aquaculture, Tirana (Albany)
    • “The importance of neutering in Rattus norvegicus for the prevention of reproductive diseases”
    • “An uncommon case of adenocarcinoma in a dwarf rabbit”
    • “Amphibians in captivity: indoor breeding techniques and related pathologies”
    • “Reproductive physiology and related diseases in pet chinchilla (Chinchilla lanigera): a case report”
    • “Nutrition and mortality in Agaporis roseicollis chicks”


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