Dr. Vet. Dossin
spécialiste européen en médecine interne

Dr. Vet. Dossin

spécialiste européen en médecine interne
Dr. Vet. Dossin


  • Médecine interne

Dr. Vet. Olivier Dossin officie au CHV AniCura ADVETIA en tant que spécialiste européen en médecine interne, dont il est le chef du service. 

Dr. Vet. Olivier Dossin est titulaire d'un diplôme de doctorat vétérinaire obtenu en 1989 à l'ENVT de Toulouse.

Il est aussi titulaire d'un diplôme de spécialiste européen en médecine interne (ECVIM-CA) obtenu en 2003 à l'European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine.

Il a rejoint le CHV en 2018. 

  • Braun (J-P.), Dossin (O.), Ouragh (L.), Kessabi (M.) et Hamliri (A.). Méthodes biochimiques d'exploration de l'intestin grêle chez les équidés (Biochemical exploration of small intestinal functions in the horse). Revue Med. Vet., 1990, 141: 637-646.
  • Castellan (E.), Burgat-Sacaze (V.), Petit (C.), Guerre (P.) et Dossin (O.). Toxicité iatrogène des oestrogènes chez le chien (Iatrogenic toxicity of estrogens in the dog). Revue Med. Vet., 1993, 144: 285-289.
  • Dossin (O.), Caillette (F.), Trumel (C.), Solera (M.L.) de La Farge (F.) et Braun (J-P.). Valeurs usuelles des constituants biochimiques plasmatiques et hématologiques de chevaux de selle (Frequent values of hematology and plasma biochemistry in riding horses). Revue Med. Vet., 1993, 144: 543-551.
  • Burgat-Sacaze (V.), Bénard (P.), Petit (C.), Guerre (P.) et Dossin (O.). Impact subléthal des polluants sur l’environnement : l'exemple du DDT (Sublethal incidence of pollutants on the environment: the DDT example). Revue Med. Vet., 1993, 144: 515-522.
  • Desmerie (L.), Dossin (O.) et Braun (J-P.). L'ammoniémie chez le chien: facteurs de variation et intérêt diagnostique (Blood ammonia in the dog. Factors of variation and diagnostic significance). Revue Med. Vet., 1993, 144: 739-744.
  • Lefebvre (H.P.), Le Bars (J.), Legrand (C.), Le Bars (P.), Dossin (O.) Toutain (P-L.) and Braun (J-P.). Three cases of equine stachybotryotoxicosis. Revue Med. Vet., 1994, 145: 267-269.
  • Dossin (O.) et Cadoré (J-L.). Conduite diagnostique face à une toux chez le chien (Diagnosis of the coughing dog). Point Vét., 1994, 25: 962-968.
  • Guelfi (J-F.) et Dossin (O.). Intérêts et limites de la biologie clinique pour le diagnostic d'une anémie chez le chien et le chat (Use and missuse of clinical pathology for the diagnosis of the anemic dog and cat). Point Vét., 1994, 26: 565-567.
  • Dossin (O.) et Guelfi (J-F.). Intérêt et limites de la biologie clinique dans le diagnostic d'un ictère chez le chien (Use and missuse of clinical pathology for the diagnosis of icterus in the dog). Point Vét., 1994, 26: 568-570.
  • Cadoré (J-L). et Dossin (O.). Conduite à tenir devant la toux chez le cheval: démarche diagnostique (Diagnosis of the coughing horse). Point Vét., 1994, 26: 687-688.
  • Lefebvre (H.P.), Dossin (O.), Braun (J-P.) et Toutain (P-L.). Utilisation du médicament chez l'insuffisant rénal (Drug prescription in renal impaired patients). Point Vét., 1995, 26: 1125-1132.
  • Regnier (A.), Dossin (O.), Cutzach (E.) and Gelatt (K.N.). Comparative effect of two formulations of indomethacin eyedrops on the paracentesis-induced inflammatory response in the canine eye. Vet. Comp. Ophthalmol. 1995, 5: 242-246.
  • Reis-Desmerie (L.), Dossin (O.), Concordet (D.), Guelfi (J-F.), Eclache (D.) et Braun (J-P.). Signification diagnostique de l'ammoniémie chez le chien (Diagnostic value of blood ammonia in the dog). Revue Med. Vet., 1995, 146: 421-426.
  • Barascud (Y.), Seltensperger (T.), Delverdier (M.) et Dossin (O.). Un cas de néphroblastome chez le chien (Nephroblastoma in a dog: a case report). Revue Med. Vet., 1995, 146: 555-560.
  • Guelfi (J-F.), Dossin (O.), Trumel (C.) et Diquélou (A.) Conduite à tenir devant une épistaxis chez le chien (Management of epistaxis in the dog). Point Vét., 1995, 27: 505-507.
  • Regnier (A.), Delverdier (M.) and Dossin (O.). Segmental eosinophilic enteritis mimicking intestinal tumors in a dog. Canine Pract., 1996, 21: 25-30.
  • Dossin (O.), Hanoun (N.) and Zajac (J-M.). Involvement of locus coeruleus projections in opiate withdrawal but not in opiate tolerance in mice. Eur. J. Pharmacol., 1996, 308: 271-274.
  • Broy (P.), Diquélou (A.), Raymond (I.) et Dossin (O.). Septicémie à Serratia marcescens chez un chien (Serratia marcescens bacteremia in a dog). Revue Med. Vet., 1997, 148: 445-450.
  • Barascud (Y.), Guelfi (J-F.), Concordet (D.), Dossin (O.) et Braun (J-P.). La fragilité osmotique des érythrocytes du chien: validation pré-analytique et analytique, valeurs usuelles, variations pathologiques (Erythrocyte osmotic fragility test in dogs: preanalytical and analytical validation, frequent values, variations with diseases). Revue Med. Vet., 1998, 149: 867-874.
  • Dossin (O.), Gruet (P.) and Thomas (E.). Comparative field evaluation of marbofloxacin tablets in the treatment of feline upper respiratory infections. J. Small Anim. Pract. 1998, 39: 286-289.
  • Dossin (O.), Mouledous (L.), Baudry (X.), Tafani (J-A-M.), Mazarguil (H.) and Zajac (J-M.): Characterization of a new radioiodinated probe for the 2C adrenoceptor in the mouse brain. Neurochem. Int., 2000, 36: 7-18.
  • Cadiergues (M-C.), Delverdier (M.), Diquélou (A.), Dossin (O.) et Franc (M.). Le syndrome hépato-cutané: étude d’un cas et synthèse des données actuelles chez le chien (Hepatocutaneous syndrom in the dog: a case report and review). Revue Med. Vet., 2000, 151: 1047-1052.
  • Perret (D.), Trumel (C.), Diquelou (A.), Dossin (O.) et Guelfi (J-F.). L’indice de distribution des globules rouges (IDR) chez le chien. Analyse de 1400 cas. (Red blood cell distribution width in dogs: Retrospective study of 1400 cases). Revue Med. Vet., 2001, 152: 549-554.
  • Dossin (O.), Germain (C.) et Braun (J-P.). Comparison of the techniques of evaluation of urine dilution/concentration in the dog. J. Vet. Med. A, 2003, 50: 322-325.
  • Dossin (O.) and Henroteaux (M.). How I approach the diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory bowel disease in dogs. Waltham Focus, 2004, vol 14: 19-24.
  • Lefebvre (H.P.), Dossin (O.), Trumel (C.) and Braun (J-P.). Fractional excretion tests: a critical review of methods and applications in domestic animals. Vet Clin Pathol., 2008, 37: 4-20.
  • Dossin (O.). How I treat chronic diarrhea in cats. Waltham Focus, 2009, 19: 2-8.
  • Mathon (D.H.), Dossin (O.), Palierne (S.), Cremoux (M.), H Rodriguez (H.), P Meynaud-Collard (P.), Steiner (J.M.), Lefebvre (H.P.) and Autefage (A.). Efficacy and safety of an original coelioscopic gastropexy technique in dogs. Vet. Surg., 2009, 38: 967-974.
  • MacNeill (A.L.), Steeil (J.C.), Dossin (O.), Hoien-Dalen (P.S.) and Maddox (C.W.). Disseminated nocardiosis caused by Nocardia abscessus in a dog: first reported case. Vet. Clin. Path., 2010, 39: 381-385.
  • Dossin (O.), Rupassara (S.I.), Weng (H.Y.), Williams (D.A.), Garlick (P.J.) and Schoeman (J.P.). Effect of parvoviral enteritis on plasma citrulline concentrations in dogs. J Vet. Int. Med., 2011 (25): 215-221.
  • Gilor (C.), Graves (T.K.), Gilor (S.), Ridge (T.K.), Weng (H.Y.) and Dossin (O.). The incretin effect in cats: comparison between oral glucose, lipids and amino acids. Dom. Anim. Endocrinol., 2011, 40: 205-212.
  • Dossin (O.) and Lavoué (R.). Protein-losing enteropathies in dogs. Vet. Clin. North Amer. Small Anim. Pract., 2011, 41: 399-418.
  • Dossin (O.). Laboratory test of gastrointestinal and pancreatic diseases. Top. Companion Anim. Med., 2011, 26: 86-97.
  • Dossin (O.). Les médicaments antiémétiques. (Antiemetic drugs). Pratique Vet., 2011, 46: 594-597.
  • Garcia-Mazcorro (J.), Suchodolski (J.), Jones (K.R.), Clark-Price, (S.) Dowd (S.), Minamoto (Y.) Markel (M.), Steiner (J.) and Dossin (O.). Effect of the proton pump inhibitor omeprazole on the gastrointestinal bacteria of healthy dogs. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 2012, 80: 624-636.
  • Benchekroun (G.), de Fornel Thibaud (P.), Dubord (M.), Dossin (O.), Fracassi (F.), Rannou (B.), Garnier (F.), Maurey (C.), Daminet (S.) and Rosenberg (D.). Plasma ACTH precursors (pro-opiomelanocortin and pro-adrenocorticotropin) in cats with pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism. J Vet. Int. Med., 21012, 26: 575-581.
  • Jones (K.R.), Maddox (C.W.), Ridgway (M.D.), Clarck Price (S.C.) and Dossin (O.). Incidence of bacteremia following upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and biopsy in healthy dogs before and after treatment with omeprazole. Am. J. Vet. Res., 2013, 74: 239-242.
  • Clark-Price (S.C.), Dossin (O.), Jones (K.R.), Otto (A.N.) and Weng (H-Y.). Comparison of three different methods to prevent heat loss on healthy dogs undergoing 90 minutes of general anesthesia. Vet. Anesth. Analg., 2013, 40: 208-284.
  • Gilor (C.), Gilor (S.), Graves (T.K.), Borst (L.B.), Labelle (P.), Ridge (T.K.), Santoro (D.) and Dossin (O.). Distribution of K and L cells in the feline intestinal tract. Dom. Anim. Endocrinol., 2013, 45: 49-54.
  • Dossin (O.). Panleucopénie Infectieuse Féline. (Feline Infectious Panleukopenia). Pratique Vét., 2013, 48: 538-543.
  • Daste (T.), Dossin (O.), Reynolds (B.S.) and Aumann (M.). Manual ventilation therapy and aggressive potassium supplementation in the management of respiratory failure secondary to severe hypokalemia in a cat with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. J. Feline Med. Surg., 2014, 16: 373-377.
  • Clark-Price (S.C.), Dossin (O.), Ngwenyama (T.), O'Brien (M.A.), McMichael (M.) and Schaeffer (D.). The effect of a pre-anesthetic infusion of amino acids on body temperature, venous blood pH, glucose, creatinine, and lactate of healthy dogs during anesthesia. Vet. Anesth. Analg., 2015, 42: 299-303.
  • Dahan (J.), Giron (C.), Concordet (D.) and Dossin (O.). Circadian and post-prandial variations of plasma citrulline concentration in healthy dogs. Am. J. Vet. Res., 2016, 77: 288-293.
  • Dahan (J.), Semin (M-O.), Monton (C.), Amiriantz (S.), Concordet (D.), Raymond-Letron (I.), Dossin (O.). Comparison of routinely used intestinal biopsy forceps in dogs: an ex vivo histopathological approach. J. Small Anim. Pract., 2017, 58:162-167.
  • Jolivet (F.) and Dossin (O.). Gastrointestinal endoscopy in dogs. Vet. Focus. 2017, 27: 27-34
  • Jolivet (F.), Diquélou (A.), Privat (S.) and Dossin (O.). Fibrinogen deficiency in a dog. BMC Vet. Res. 2017, 13:183-188.
  • Fabres (V.), Layssol-Lamour (C.), Meynaud-Collard (P.) and Dossin (O.). Limy Bile Syndrome in a dog. J Small Anim Pract, 2020, 61: 137-140.
  • Fabres (V.), Dossin (O.), Reif (C.), Campos (M.), Freiche (V.), Maurey (C.), Pilot-Storck (F.), Desquilbet (L.) and Benchekroun (G.) . Development and validation of a novel clinical scoring system for short-term prediction of death in dogs with acute pancreatitis. J Vet Int Med, 2019, 33: 499-507.
  • Jaffey (J.) and 60 co-authors including Dossin (O.). Effect of clinical signs, endocrinopathies, timing of surgery, hyperlipidemia, and hyperbilirubinemia on outcome in dogs with gallbladder mucocele. Vet J, 2019, 251: 105350.
  • Jolivet (F.), Pic (M.), Concordet (D.), Rishniw (M.) and Dossin (O.). The use of thermometer protective sheets provides reliable measurement of rectal temperature: a prospective study in 500 dogs. J Small Anim Pract, 2020, 61: 216-223. Award of the best publication of the year by BSAVA.
  • Champetier (A), Lemetayer (J.), Ruel (Y.) and Dossin (O.). Nasopharyngeal stenosis in cats: a retrospective study of 21 cases comparing endoscopic and surgical treatment (2018-2022). J Feline Med Surg, 2024 (On line publication, https://doi.org/10.1177/1098612X241281902)
  • Champetier (A), Gouni (V.) and Dossin (O.). Rhabdomyolysis associated with sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim treatment in a dog. Vet Rec Case Reports (accepted)
  • Dossin (O.). Les stomatites du chat (Feline stomatitis). Octobre 1991, CNVSPA (French Association of Small Animals Practitioners) Sud Ouest meeting, Toulouse (F).
  • Dossin (O.). Un cas d'urolithiase à silice opaline chez le chien (Silica urolithiasis in a dog: a case report). 1993, CNVSPA Sud Ouest meeting, Toulouse (F).
  • Dossin (O.). Reconnaître et traiter une coagulation intra-vasculaire disséminée chez le chien (Diagnosis and treatment of DIC in the dog). 1995, CNVSPA Congrès National, Paris (F).
  • Regnier (A.), Dossin (O.) et Cutzach (E.). Effets comparés des collyres à l'indométhacine sur un modèle d'inflammation oculaire induite chez le chien (Comparative effects of two indomethacin eye drop formulations in experimentally induced ocular inflammation in the dog). 1994, Deuxième Forum d'Ophtalmologie Vétérinaire de Cannes, Cannes (F).
  • Dossin (O.) et Guelfi (J-F.). Mise en évidence des produits de dégradation de la fibrine et du fibrinogène dans le sérum et le plasma chez le chien (Identification of fibrinogen and fibrin split products in plasma and serum in the dog). 1994, Deuxièmes Journées du Groupe d'Etudes en Médecine Interne de la CNVSPA, Toulouse (F).
  • Dossin (O.), Trumel (C.) and Arnaud (J-P.). Effect of ketoprofen on hemostasis on healthy beagle dogs. 1998, 16th ACVIM meeting, San Diego, USA, (published as a short abstract in J. Vet. Int. Med., 1998, 12: 226).
  • Cantaloube (B.), Lefebvre (H.P.) et Dossin (O.). Traitement et suivi d’un cas d’insuffisance rénale aiguë chez le chien (Acute renal failure in the dog: a case report and follow up). 1998, CNVSPA Congrès National, Nice (F).
  • Bécart (N.) et Dossin (O.). Un cas d’hypersialorrhée régressant au phénobarbital chez le chien (Phenobarbital responsive hypersialosis in a dog: a case report). 1998, CNVSPA Congrès National, Nice (F).
  • Dossin (O.), Semin (M-O.), Raymond (I.), Delverdier (M.) and Biourge (V.): Soy isolate hydrolysate in the management of inflammatory bowel disease in dogs: a preliminary study. 2002, 20th ACVIM meeting, Dallas, USA, (published as a short abstract in J. Vet. Int. Med., 2002, 16: 327).
  • Dossin (O.). Benefits of protein hydrolysates in the management of inflammatory bowel disease in dogs. 2003, Royal Canin Scientific Meeting, Montpellier (F)
  • Dossin (O.). Manifestations cliniques de l’insuffisance hépatique du chien (Clinical manifestations of canine hepatic failure). AFVAC (French Association of Small Animals Practitioners) meeting, Orthez (F), 2003.
  • Dossin (O.). Utilisation de la biologie clinique dans le diagnostic de l’insuffisance hépatique chez le chien (Use of clinical pathology to diagnose hepatic failure in dogs). AFVAC meeting, Orthez (F), 2003.
  • Dossin (O.). Traitement non spécifique de l’insuffisance hépatique du chien (Non specific treatment of canine hepatic failure). AFVAC meeting, Orthez (F), 2003.
  • Dossin (O.), Rives (A.), Germain (C.), Braun (J-P.) and Lefebvre (H.P.). Pharmacokinetics of liver transaminases in healthy dogs: potential clinical relevance for assessment of liver damage. 2005, 23rd ACVIM meeting, Baltimore, USA, (published as a short abstract in J. Vet. Int. Med., 2005, 19: 442).
  • Dossin (O.), Coillard (J.) and Boucraut-Baralon (C.). Real time PCR quantification and genetic identification of Helicobacter strains in a group of dogs with digestive disorders. 2005, 15th ECVIM meeting, Glasgow, Scotland (published as a short abstract in J. Vet. Int. Med., 2005, 19: 947).
  • Dossin (O.). Conduite à tenir face à un amaigrissement chez le jeune (Practical handling of weight loss in young patients). AFVAC (French Association of Small Animal Practitioners) meeting, Toulouse, December 2005.
  • Dossin (O.). La diarrhée infectieuse du jeune (Infectious causes of diarrhea in young patients). AFVAC (French Association of Small Animal Practitioners) meeting, Toulouse (F), December 2005.
  • Dossin (O.). La constipation (Constipation). GEMI (French Internal Medicine Group) meeting, La Grande Motte (F), April 2006.
  • Dossin (O.). Prise en charge du mégaoesophage (Diagnosis and treatment of megaesophagus). GEMI meeting, La Grande Motte (F), April 2006.
  • Dossin (O.). Diarrhée infectieuse et parasitaire: quoi de neuf ? (Infectious and parasitic diarrhea: what’s new?). GEMI meeting, La Grande Motte (F), April 2006.
  • Dossin (O.). Cholangiohépatites félines. (Feline cholangiohepatitis). Vetoalp (F), March 2007.
  • Dossin (O.). Pancréatites du chien et du chat. (Canine and feline pancreatitis). Vetoalp (F), March 2007.
  • Dossin (O.). Hépatites chroniques et cirrhose hépatique du chien. (Canine chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis). Vetoalp (F), March 2007.
  • Dossin (O.), Tesseydre (J-F.), Concordet (D.) and Raymond (I.). Is duodenal mucosa representative of the other small intestinal parts in inflammatory bowel disease affected dogs. 2007, 25th ACVIM meeting, Seattle, USA, (published as a short abstract in J. Vet. Int. Med., 2007, 21: 613).
  • Banajee (K.), Barger (A.) and Dossin (O.). Hypocholesterolemia in dogs: a retrospective study of 105 cases. 2009, 19th ECVIM meeting, Porto, Portugal, (published as a short abstract in J. Vet. Int. Med., 2009, 23: 1339).
  • Dossin (O.), Rupassara (S.I.), Weng (H.Y.), Williams (D.A.), Garlick (P.J.) and Schoeman (J.P.). Plasma citrulline concentration is decreased in canine parvovirus enteritis. 2010, 28th ACVIM meeting Annaheim, USA, (published as a short abstract in J. Vet. Int. Med., 2010, 24: 722).
  • Clark-Price (S.C.), Dossin (O.), Jones (K.R.), Otto (A.N.) and Weng (H-Y.). Comparison of the effect of a cotton towel, circulating warm water pad, or forced warm air blanket on body temperature of healthy dogs during general anesthesia. 2010, 16th International Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society Symposium, San Antonio, USA.
  • Garcia-Mazcorro (J.F), Suchodolski (J.S.), Jones (K.R.), Clark-Price (S.C.), Steiner (J.M.) and Dossin (O.). Effect of omeprazole treatment on gastric and duodenal bacteria in healthy dogs. 2011, 29th ACVIM meeting, Denver, USA, (published as a short abstract in J. Vet. Int. Med., 2011, 25: 688).
  • Dossin (O.), Jones (K.R.), Ridgway (M.), Clark-Price (S.C.), Steiner (J.M.) and Suchodolski (J.S.). Effect of omeprazole on serum gastrin concentrations and calcium metabolism in healthy dogs. 29th ACVIM meeting, Denver, USA, (published as a short abstract in J. Vet. Int. Med., 2011, 25: 688)
  • Lavoué (R.), Dossin (O.), Reynolds (B.S.), Granat (F.A.), Javard (R.B.), Charru (P.E.S.) and Lefebvre (H.P.). Phosphatemia in healthy dogs: within-day variation, effects of feeding with and without calcium carbonate. 29th ACVIM meeting Denver, USA, (published as a short abstract in J. Vet. Int. Med., 2011, 25: 717).
  • Dossin (O.), Rault (D.). Reconnaître une occlusion intestinale (Diagnosis of intestinal obstruction). AFVAC meeting, Lille, (F), 2011 (invited lecture).
  • Dossin (O.). Vomissements et régurgitations: sortir de la confusion. (Vomiting and regurgitation: getting out of confusion). AFVAC meeting, Lille (F), 2011 (invited lecture).
  • Dossin (O.). Chronic vomiting in dogs. North American Veterinary Conference, Orlando, USA, Jan 2012 (invited lecture).
  • Dossin (O.). Protein-losing enteropathies. North American Veterinary Conference, Orlando, USA, Jan 2012 (invited lecture).
  • Dossin (O.). Getting the best from your intestinal endoscopic biopsies. North American Veterinary Conference, Orlando, USA, Jan 2012 (invited lecture).
  • Gaschen (L.) and Dossin (O.). The diagnostic duo for chronic intestinal diseases in dogs and cats. North American Veterinary Conference, Orlando USA, Jan 2012 (invited lecture).
  • Dossin (O.). Canine Protein losing enteropathies. Moscow, Russia, National Meeting of Russian Small Animal Veterinarians, April 2012 (invited lecture).
  • Dossin (O.). Dysphagia and regurgitation. Moscow, Russia, National Meeting of Russian Small Animal Veterinarians, April 2012 (invited lecture).
  • Dossin (O.). Chronic vomiting in dogs and cats: a case based approach. Moscow, Russia, National Meeting of Russian Small Animal Veterinarians, April 2012 (invited lecture).
  • Dossin (O.). Canine colonic diseases. Moscow, Russia, National Meeting of Russian Small Animal Veterinarians, April 2012 (invited lecture).
  • Dossin (O.). Diagnostic différentiel et traitement des diarrhées du chiot (Diagnostic approach of diarrhea in puppies). AFVAC - Auvergne Limousin, Vichy, (F), May 2012. (invited lecture).
  • Dossin (O.). Shunt portosystémique congénital: diagnostic et prise en charge (Congenital portosystemic shunts: diagnosis and management). AFVAC - Auvergne Limousin, Vichy, (F), May 2012. (invited lecture).
  • Clark-Price (S.C.), Dossin (O.), Ngwenyama (T.R.), O’Brien (M.A.), McMichael (M.), Schaeffer (D.J.). The effect of pre-anesthetic infusion of animo acids on venous pH, glucose, creatinine, and lactate in anesthetized healthy dogs. 2012, 18th International Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Symposium, San Antonio, USA.
  • Clark-Price (S.C.), Dossin (O.), Ngwenyama (T.R.), O’Brien (M.A.), McMichael (M.), Schaeffer (D.J.). The effect of pre-anesthetic infusion of amino acids on body temperature during anesthesia in healthy dogs. 2012, 18th International Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Symposium, San Antonio, USA.
  • Dossin (O.). Canine distemper. XXXVI Congress of Veterinary Medicine - Veterinary Faculty of Lisbon, Portugal, Nov 2012 (invited lecture).
  • Dossin (O.). Canine parvoviral enteritis. XXXVI Congress of Veterinary Medicine - Veterinary Faculty of Lisbon, Portugal, Nov 2012 (invited lecture).
  • Dossin (O.). Canine infectious diseases: clinical cases. XXXVI Congress of Veterinary Medicine - Veterinary Faculty of Lisbon, Portugal, Nov 2012 (invited lecture)
  • Dahan (J.), Delbreil (E.), Papillon (A.), Dossin (O.) and Reynolds (B.R.). Un cas de sténose nasopharyngée chez le chat (Nasopharyngeal stenosis in a cat). AFVAC, Paris (F), December 2012.
  • Dossin (O.). Hypertension portale et shunts acquis (Portal hypertension and acquired portosystemic shunts). AFVAC, GEMI meeting, Avignon (F), April 2014 (invited speaker).
  • Dossin (O.). Actualité thérapeutique en hépatologie. (Therapeutic updates in canine and feline hepatology). AFVAC, GEMI meeting, Avignon (F), April 2014 (invited speaker).
  • Dossin (O.). Vomissements et régurgitations. Pas toujours facile. (Vomiting and regurgitation: not always easy). , GEMI meeting, Avignon (F), April 2014 (invited speaker).
  • Lavoué (R.), Rocher (C.), Trumel (C.), Concordet (D.), Suchodolski (J.S.), Steiner (J.M.) and Dossin (O.). Lipase, cPLI, and cTLI in the Dogue de Bordeaux. Is there a need for breed-specific reference intervals? June 2014, 32nd ACVIM, Nashville, USA, (published as a short abstract in J. Vet. Int. Med., 2014, 28: 1038).
  • Dossin (O.) and Biourge (V.). Food responsive chronic diarrhea: the views of the internist and the nutritionist. June 2015, 33rd ACVIM, Indianapolis, USA. (Invited speaker).
  • Dossin (O.). Canine and feline constipation. Royal Canin International Scientific meeting, April 2016, Montpellier, France (invited speaker).
  • Dossin (O.). Canine and feline exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. Royal Canin International Scientific meeting, April 2016, Montpellier, France (invited speaker).
  • Dossin (O.). Feline cholangitis: what is new? (Cholangites félines: quoi de neuf?). AFVAC (French Association of Small Animals Practitioners) meeting in Arcachon, May 2016, France (invited speaker)
  • Dossin (O.). Feline cholangitis : diagnosis and treatment. (Cholangites félines: diagnostic et traitement). AFVAC meeting in Arcachon, May 2016, France (invited speaker)
  • Dossin (O.). Feline pancreatitis : How clinical pathology may help? (Pancréatites félines: utilisation de la biologie clinique); AFVAC meeting in Arcachon, May 2016, France (invited speaker)
  • Dossin (O.). Feline exocrine pancreatic insufficiency: diagnostic approach. (Approche diagnostique de l'insuffisance pancréatique exocrine du chat). AFVAC meeting in Arcachon, May 2016, France (invited speaker)
  • Dossin (O.). Pancreatitis are you sure of the diagnosis? (Pancréatites : êtes-vous bien sûr du diagnostic? France Vet meeting, June 2016, Paris, France. (invited speaker)
  • Jolivet (F.), Pic (M.), Concordet (D.) and Dossin (O.). Reliability of Thermometer Protective Sheaths for Measurement of Rectal Temperature in Dogs. June 2016, 34nd ACVIM, Denver, USA, (published as a short abstract in J. Vet. Int. Med., 2016, 31: 1493).
  • Jolivet (F.), Massal (M.) and Dossin (O.). Megaesophagus associated with gasto-esophageal tumors in 2 dogs. (Megaoesophage secondaire à la présence de tumeur de jonction gastro-oesophagienne chez 2 chiens). AFVAC national meeting in Lille, November 2016, France.
  • Dossin (O.): Congenital portosystemic shunts in dogs: epidemiology and clinical signs. AFVAC – Scientific meeting of the Surgery Study Group, January 2017, Paris, France. (invited speaker)
  • Dossin (O.): Congenital portosystemic shunts in dogs - Medical treatment: why and how? AFVAC – Scientific meeting of the Surgery Study Group, January 2017, Paris, France. (invited speaker)
  • Dossin (O.): Congenital portosystemic shunts in dogs: post-operative management. AFVAC – Scientific meeting of the Surgery Study Group, January 2017, Paris, France. (invited speaker)
  • Dossin (O.) and Rault (D.). Les hépatites chroniques du chien : Regardons cela de plus près (A closer look at chronic hepatitis in dogs). France Vet meeting, June 2017, Paris, France. (invited speaker)
  • Dossin (O.). Comment interpréter les résultats de mes biopsies digestives? (Interpretation of the intestinal biopsy pathology report). AFVAC GEMI meeting, May 2019, France (invited speaker)
  • Dossin (O.). Giardia : always guilty or not? (Giardia toujours coupable?). AFVAC GEMI meeting, May 2019, France (invited speaker)
  • Dossin (O.). Diet and GI diseases in dogs (Alimentation et entéropathie chronique du chien). AFVAC Ateliers du Sud Est, October 2019, France (invited speaker)
  • Dossin (O.). Diet and GI diseases in cats (Alimentation et entéropathie chronique du chat). AFVAC Ateliers du Sud Est, October 2019, France (invited speaker)
  • Dossin (O.). Probiotics and GI diseases (Utilisation des probiotiques dans les maladies intestinales). AFVAC Ateliers du Sud Est, October 2019, France (invited speaker)
  • Dossin (O.). Treatment of canine chronic hepatitis (Traitement des hépatites chroniques canines). AFVAC GEMI meeting, April 2021, France (invited speaker)
  • Dossin (O.). Feline cholangitis - Do we need surgery? (Cholangites félines : la laparotomie est elle obligatoire?). AFVAC GEMI meeting, April 2021, France (invited speaker)
  • Dossin (O.) and Batchelor (D.). How to write good MCQs for ECVIM certifier examination. 31rst ECVIM Congress, September 2021, on line meeting (COVID restrictions)
  • Dossin (O.). What is new in dietary management of canine and feline GI diseases? (Quelles nouveautés dans la gestion nutritionnelle des entéropathies chroniques? ). AFVAC GEMI meeting, March 2022, France (invited speaker)
  • Dossin (O.). What is new in dietary management of canine and feline GI diseases? (Quelles nouveautés dans la gestion nutritionnelle des entéropathies chroniques? ). AFVAC GEMI meeting, March 2022, France (invited speaker)
  • Champetier (A), Lemetayer (J.), Ruel (Y.) and Dossin (O.). Nasopharyngeal Stenosis in Cats: A Retrospective Study of 21 Cases Comparing Endoscopic and Surgical Treatment (2018–2022). 32nd ECVIM Congress, September 2022, Gotheborg, Sweeden
  • Dossin (O.). Relation between respiratory and digestive disorders in brachycephalic dogs (Imbrication troubles digestifs et respiratoires). AFVAC PyrénéesVet meeting, January 2023, France (invited speaker)
  • Dossin (O.). Evaluation of persistant digestives disorders after BAOS surgery (Exploration troubles digestifs persistants après la chirurgie). AFVAC PyrénéesVet meeting, January 2023, France (invited speaker)
  • Dossin (O.). Hiatal hernia in brachycephalic dogs (Hiatal hernia in brachycephalic dogs). AFVAC PyrénéesVet meeting, January 2023, France (invited speaker)
  • Dossin (O.). Granulomatous colitis in dogs (Colite granulomateuse associée à E. Coli). AFVAC PyrénéesVet meeting, January 2023, France (invited speaker)
  • Dossin (O.). Relapsing urinary tract infection (Prise en charge d’une infection urinaire récidivante chez le chien). AFVAC AFVAC GEMI meeting, March 2023, France (invited speaker)
  • Dossin (O.). Management of portosystemic shunt in dogs: current recomemndations (Recommandation prise en charge du shunt portosystémique du chien). AFVAC Avignon, June 2023, France (invited speaker)
  • Dossin (O.). Diagnosis of liver mass in dogs (Diagnostic de tumeurs hépatiques du chien). AFVAC Avignon, June 2023, France (invited speaker)
  • Dossin (O.). FNA or liver biopsy: when and why? (CPAF ou biopsies de foie: quand et pourquoi?). AFVAC Avignon, June 2023, France (invited speaker)
  • Dossin (O.). Increased liver enzymes what next? (Augmentation des enzymes hépatiques dois-je m'inquiéter?). AFVAC Avignon, June 2023, France (invited speaker)
  • Dossin (O.). Treating protein losing enteropathy in dogs. (Gestion des entéropathies avec pertes de protéines). AFVAC VetoAlp, March 2024, France (invited speaker)
  • Dossin (O.) What is new in canine urolithiasis? (Nouveautés sur les urotlithiase canines). AFVAC VetoAlp, March 2024, France (invited speaker)
  • Dossin (O.). Canine chronic enteropahies : what is new in the pathogenesis?. (Pathogénie des enteropathies chroniques du chien, quoi de neuf?). AFVAC VetoAlp, March 2024, France (invited speaker)
  • Dossin (O.). Hepatic encephalopathy: differential diagnosis. (Diagnostic différentiel de l’encéphalose hépatique). AFVAC Carcapratique, September 2024, France (invited speaker)
  • Dossin (O.) Canine acute hepatitis. (Hépatite aiguë du chien). AFVAC Carcapratique, September 2024, France (invited speaker)
  • Dossin (O.). Feline cholangitis. (Cholangites félines). AFVAC Carcapratique, September 2024, France (invited speaker)


  • Boubiaux-Mercier (O.), Dossin (O.) and Zajac (J-M.). Clonidine and yohimbine prevent the development of tolerance to morphine. 1991, British Opioid Colloquium, Cambridge (UK)
  • Dossin (O.), Boubiaux-Mercier (O.) et Zajac (J-M.). Interactions des systèmes opioïdes et noradrénergiques dans le développement de la tolérance aux opiacés (Mutual interaction of opioid and noradrenergic systems during tolerance to opioids). 1992, Premier Colloque de la Société des Neurosciences, Strasbourg (F).
  • Dossin (O.), Boubiaux-Mercier (O.) and Zajac (J-M.). Role of 2-adrenoreceptors in the development of tolerance. 1992, 7th International Catecholamine Symposium, Amsterdam (NL).
  • Oberdorff (J-M.), Chéret (A.) et Dossin (O.). Abcès rétropharyngien après perforation oesophagienne chez une pouliche (Retropharyngeal abscess and oesophagal perforation in a gelding). 1992, AVEF (French Association of Equine Practitioners), Paris (F).
  • Dossin (O.), Duga (I.), Chéret (A.), Delverdier (M.), Trumel (C.) and Guelfi (J-F.). Nasal amyloidosis in the horse: a case report. 1993, Jumelage Toulouse-Munich, Toulouse (F).
  • Zajac (J-M.) et Dossin (O.). Tyr-Rauwolscine, un nouveau ligand spécifique des sites 2C adrénergiques du cerveau de souris (Tyr-Rauwolscine, a new specific ligand for 2C adrenoceptors in the mouse brain). 1997, Troisième Colloque de la Société des Neurosciences, Bordeaux (F).
  • Médaille (C.), Palanche (F.), Dossin (O.), Guelfi (J-F.) and Braun (J-P.). Evaluation of the accuracy of test strips and the Heller’s method for urine protein quantification in the dog. 2000, 9th congress of International Society of Animal Clinical Biochemistry, Toulouse (F).
  • Dossin (O.), Raymond (I.) and Biourge (V.). Preliminary report about the use of a new hypoallergenic diet in the management of inflammatory bowel disease in dogs. 2001, Royal Canin Scientific Meeting, Montpellier (F).
  • Dossin (O.), Lavalette (H.), Germain (C.) and Braun (J-P.). Routine measurement of urine specific gravity and osmolality in the dog: a comparison of techniques. 2002, 10th Congress of International Society of Animal Clinical Biochemistry, Gainesville (USA).
  • Dossin (O.), Boucraut-Baralon (C.), Dubesset-Dumas (M.), Raymond (I.) and Delverdier(M.). Prevalence of gastric helicobacter infection in dogs with chronic digestive disorders. 2003, 21th ACVIM meeting, Charlotte, USA, (published as a short abstract in J. Vet. Int. Med., 2003, 17: 447).
  • Benchekroun (G.), de Fornel Thibaud (P.), Dubord (M.), Le Chevoir (M.), Petit (C.), Dossin (O.), Fracassi (F.), Maurey-Guenec (C.) and Rosenberg (D.). Validation of an enzymeimmunoassay for the quantitative determination of ACTH precursors (pro-opiomelanocortin and pro-adrenocorticotropin) in feline plasma. 2008, 26th ACVIM meeting, San Antonio, USA, (published as a short abstract in J. Vet. Int. Med., 2008, 22: 794).
  • Jones (K.R.), Dossin (O.), Clark-Price (S.C.) and Maddox (C.). Incidence of bacteremia following gastric and duodenal endoscopic biopsies before and after treatment with omeprazole in healthy dogs. 2010, 28th ACVIM meeting, Annaheim, USA, (published as a short abstract in J. Vet. Int. Med., 2010, 24: 722).
  • Dossin (O.), Jones (K.R.), Clark-Price (S.C.), Steiner (J.M.), Dowd (S.E.) and Suchodolski (J.S.). Effect of omeprazole treatment on gastric and duodenal bacterial populations in healthy dogs. 2010, 28th ACVIM meeting Annaheim, USA, (published as a short abstract in J. Vet. Int. Med., 2010, 24: 722).
  • Dossin (O.), Rick (M.), Ridge (T.), Williams (D.A.), Grützner (N.), Suchodolski (J.S.), Lefebvre (H.P.) and Steiner (J.M.). Pharmacokinetics of pancreatic lipase in healthy dogs. 2011, 21st ECVIM meeting, Sevilla, Spain.
  • Charron (J.), Delbreil (E.), Etienne (C-L.), Geffré (A.), Dossin (O.) and Regnier (A.). Bilateral anterior uveitis as a presenting sign of acute myeloid leukemia in two dogs. Accepted for the 2011 ACVO meeting, Hilton Head, USA.
  • Bourdaud’hui (P.), Dossin (O.), Geffré (A.), Braun (J-P.), Bourgès-Abella (N.), Trumel (C.) and Concordet (D.). How the degree of confidence in a clinical diagnosis can affect interpretation of a test result. Simulation with the predictive value advisor freeware. 2012, 22nd ECVIM meeting, Maastricht (NL).
  • Dahan (J.), Semin (M-O.), Monthon (C.), Amiriantz (S.), Concordet (D.), Raymond Letron (I.) and Dossin (O.) What is the best endoscopic intestinal biopsy forceps in dogs? An ex-vivo histopathological approach. 2013, 23rd ECVIM meeting, Liverpool, UK.
  • Dahan (J.), Giron (C.), Concordet (D.) and Dossin (O.). Fasting and post-prandial variations of plasma citrulline in healthy dogs. 2013, 23rd ECVIM meeting, Liverpool, UK.
  • Gilor (C.), Gilor (S.), Graves (T.K.), Borst (L.B.), Labelle (P.), Ridge (T.K.) and Dossin (O.). Distribution of k and l cells in the intestines of normal cats. June 2013, 31st ACVIM meeting, Seattle, USA. (published as a short abstract in J. Vet. Int. Med., 2013, 27: 695).
  • Dossin (O.), Le Bouar (M.) and Concordet (D.). What is the number of daily bowel movements in normal privately-owned dogs? June 2013, 31st ACVIM meeting, Seattle, USA. (published as a short abstract in J. Vet. Int. Med., 2013, 27: 701).
  • Theron (M-L.), Savary (A.), Concordet (D.) and Dossin (O.). Canine parvoviral enteritis: a retrospective study of 147 cases (2003-2013). 2015, 25th ECVIM meeting, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Jolivet (F.), Rannou (B.), J. Dahan (J.), Concordet (D.), Dossin (O.). Fasting and postprandial variations of plasma tli, cobalamin and folate concentration in healthy beagle dogs. 2017, 27th ECVIM meeting, St Gilian, Malta. Award of the best poster presentation by ESCG.
  • Fabres (V.), Jolivet (F.), Massal (M.), Robin (E.), Dossin (O.), V. Freiche (V.). Megaoesophagus associated with gastro-oesophageal junction neoplasia in dogs: 7 cases (2004-2016). 2017, 27th ECVIM meeting, St Gilian, Malta
  • Menard (M.), Blond (L.), Debreuque (M.), Dossin (O.), Duclos (A.), Gaide (N.); Gallay (J.); Giraud (L.) ; Laprie (C.), Lavoue (R.), Musso (C.), Piazza (S.), Soetart (N.),Testault (I.); Trumel (C.) and Jolivet (F.). Systemic atherosclerosis in eurasier with presumed primary hypercholesterolemia. 2017, 34th ECVIM meeting, Lyon, France.


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